The Green Capitalist
Most people think you go Green to save the Earth. That's a nice thought, but unfortunately its a misconception attributable to bad marketing.
First of all, you are not saving the Earth from anything, the Earth will be just fine as soon as we are gone. And, by the way, if you believe Al Gore that is where we're headed at this rate.
Let's redefine Green here and now: you go Green to save yourself! You'll save money, you'll save your health, and as a nice byproduct, oh yea, you'll save the Earth in a state that we can live on it indefinitely. It's the same reason as why Capitalism works. Economics 101 says: A market economy depends on every person looking out for their OWN interests.
So why aren't we all Green? The missing link is education. An efficient market also depends on all buyers and sellers being educated about their transactions. Consumers are not educated about why Green is good for them and their wallet.
I intend to prove that a home can be healthy, energy efficient AND luxurious!
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